We have a special range for final treatments of cork stoppers (natural, colmated and agglomerated) or synthetic ones, based on dispersions and aqueous emulsions of silicones, paraffin, plastic microspheres or diverse chemical compounds, always meeting the most demanding and specific requirements of each and every client.
Our range of products for cork includes:
- Additives for washing, disinfecting and bleaching of cork stoppers
- Colmation glues, in aqueous or solvent phase
- Equalisers, aqueous or solvent, that contribute to limiting stopper capillarity
-Solvent free surface treatments, based on the aqueous dispersion of silicone and/or paraffin, and silicone
We provide documented product guarantees and transparency, in compliance with the Systecode and following an ensured quality system, compliant with both ISO 9002 and recently in the hygiene and food safety process (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point; HACCP) in the entire range of products offered.